Friday, 2 May 2014

AIDA exercise: marketing a new game

Title: Red bug...alert!
Target Audience: 6 - 12 years old, boys and girls

Platform: Nintendo Wii

A: How will you create marketing materials that attract audience attention to the game? Bright colour scheme, school promotions, posters, CITV adverts, McDonalds happy meal toy
I: How will you generate audience interest? Marvel characters in video game trailers (Spiderman and Superman) and Disney characters (Frozen) 
D: How will you stimulate audience desire to buy the game? All the people who pre-order will receive bonus gifts (red bug toy), and gameplay footage in the trailer
A: How will you promote audience action? Game sites with demos of the game

Game 1
Side-scrolling platform game, in which a red bug has to avoid the accidental and deliberate actions of larger animals and insects in order to survive.

There are 50 levels of play, with an increasing variety of friends and dangers. The red bug can jump, attack, and fly if it eats enough energy-giving nectar from the flowers along the way.

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